Sunday, February 23, 2014

2013 泰不完整游记 Lopburi寻找黄花踪影 • KhaoYai逛一趟小意大利

相 信大家对曼谷的景点应该已经耳熟能详了,水上市场,chaktuchak,大皇宫,到最近能找到的资料包括Amphawa floating market, 美功市场 等等等……就如标题:不完整的分享,直接分享曼谷游里第3天的行程:LopBuri-Palio KhaoYai -PB Valley Khao Yai Winery。
这 天的行程里的Lopburi 和PB Valley,是参考论坛里一位大大Jeffc899的行程。看他的游记时,我心里在想他怎么那么厉害!有些景点和餐厅,爬了那么多的游记都没有看过几 个。(本来还想加入Primo Posto Del Khao Yai,但是司机咨询价钱时发现这家意大利式风情餐厅好像已经结束营业了。)Jeffc899游记里第一个被吸引的景点,就是那大大片的太阳花田!不,应 该是花海! 上网查了一下相关的资料花期是11月到1月。我们也很难下决定,1月去看花海肯定是有风险了。出发前,尝试上网搜索是否有最近到过lopburi 或太阳花的照片游记,就是没有多少的资料。报着平常心,最终我们还是决定去了。

2013 泰国曼谷住宿分享 Hotel De Bangkok

我们一共4人,在Agoda订了两间Twin Bedroom,当时订的价钱是一间大概RM130左右一晚。 这家酒店坐落在大路旁的其中一条小巷。以我们的经验来说,即使准备了泰文地址给Taxi司机,这家酒店还是不好找。搭了那么多次的 Taxi,只有一位是看了一眼地址就能直接载你到目的地。只是差不多到达时, miss掉了Soi12而需要调回头而已。(当然这一趟我们是冒着生命危险回酒店的。司机狠踩油飞车,对我这个老人家来说,我承受不了这么刺激的玩意 啊.Phew....)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Agriculture Park, Bukit Cahaya Shah Alam

Re-Post: 03/21/2009

The main purpose we went to agriculture park is cycling. 

2009 Hanoi Trip Day 1 @ Hanoi ***14042009***

AK 760 6:20am Hanoi

Nothing can say=.=
Bamboo Business..
Roadside's Restaurant

The journey to Hanoi City around 45 minutes. The Hanoi Guest House located at 14, Bat Su Street. The guest house building here look "tall" and "Slim". The space of the lobby very limited, full with guest and luggage.=P. Mrs. Linh, the owner of the guest house, she is friendly.

2009 Hanoi Trip Day 2 @ Sapa ***15042009***

7:30PM, after dinner and all of us waiting transfer from guest house to railway station. Taxi come over and fetch us to the railway. I think is not far from the guest house because the journey take only about 5 mins -_-''

Ga Hanoi = Hanoi Station, i think so.=P

Our train will start the journey at 21:10. It will take around 9 hours to reach Ga Lao Chai. So usually who visit to Sapa, will take the night train so can sleep on train and reach Lao Chai on next morning. 

2009 Hanoi Trip Day 3 @ Sapa ***16042009***

Second day at Sapa. After breakfast, need to check out and we store our luggage at their storeroom. We continue our trekking to Muong Hoa Valley.If no mistaken, we need to walk for 8km. Start our journey around 9.00am.

Read Malaysia 阅读大马国际书展

说的是The Mines Shopping Center

它 可是学生们的娱乐,日常用品入货的地方
今天 再次来到这个怀念的地方
绿野仙踪会议展览中心举行为期9天的READ MALAYSIA 2009"阅读大马"国际书展。
Re-Post: 05/31/2009 

Sekinchan。Kuala Selangor。鱼米之乡适耕庄。瓜拉雪兰莪

Visited Sekinchan with friends last Sunday.
We start our journey at 9.20am after have breakfast at Old Town.Sekinchan, around 110KM+- from KL, it take around 1.30-2hours to travel.

With the guideline from a travel magazine, we decide visit the place along the journey. Sekinchan vs Kuala Selangor.

Re-Post: 7/15/2009

Cameron Highland Short Trip 金马仑小旅行

Love the weather there, the places i visited, green green tea plantation and colorful flowers. I almost fall in love the daisy recently~haha, it colorful.

Short trip, 2 days 1 night, i miss the trip. Thanks to "driver", sure you are tired to fetch us here and there....lolx

Re-Post: 11/29/2009

Africa Daisy @ Gerbera Daisy??

某天到书局去看看有什么新书外, 发现了园艺书本的角落。翻开这些书本瞄了下, 上瘾了。加上到金马仑2日游后,重拾儿时的兴趣,喜欢花花草草。 尤其对非洲菊情有独钟, 丰富的颜色,心情自然好起来。
还记得参加毕业典礼时, 某友人的花是粉红色的非洲菊。当时她说这是她最爱的花,但是我不了解为什么。 就像当时我喜欢百合和海芋一样没有原因, 就是喜欢。

非洲菊,到底它们的名字是非洲菊吗?它们的学名是Africa Daisy 还是 Gerbera Daisy,说真的我不知道。算了吧。
家里给自己添了2棵,粉红色和红色的。但是他们的命运就没有好过,三番四次的受到攻击,半生不死的。自从给他们施了肥料, 情况似乎有了好转。希望不久的以后, 能看见它们再次开出那漂亮的花朵。
Re-post: 12/27/2009 9:00am

Sunday, February 16, 2014


我从来没有真正的去欣赏日出日落。感觉上哪里的日出,哪里的日落都是一样,大家都是看着唯一个太阳。记忆中,旅行的路上,看过的日落是在巴厘岛吧。 当时的云层太厚,没有办法看见那颗大咸蛋黄掉进海里的情景。至于日出,那就算了,我暂时没有那恒心,非看到日出不可。这些都是可遇不可求的。XD